The Crossing Church launched in September of 2012 as Fellowship Paragould. A handful of Paragould families gathered in a living room with a desire to follow Jesus in the everyday stuff of life.
Three things have been important since day one…
You can belong before you believe.
You can belong among imperfect people in need of one perfect person—Jesus.
You are free to come as you are and grow in God’s timing, not ours.
That’s why we got started with the help of a family of churches. They help us stay humble, accountable, and on mission for our city.
Crossing Core Values
As a church family, we can have many focuses, loves, and passions, however, our church leadership has agreed upon a set of Core Values that help define our Vision, Mission, and Strategy.
1. Biblical Convictions • In a world where truth is subjective, we hold to our convictions that are clear from scripture. Along with historical understanding of passages, we aim to have a firm foundation in Truth: “We will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming” (Ephesians 4:14).
2. Compassionate Mission • We believe that every disciple of Jesus is called to the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). These two combine to show how we see God’s visions to make Paragould like Heaven, lovingly serving others and sharing the good news with them.
3. Resilient Faith • Walking the pathway of Christianity is not a guarantee of an easy life, quite the opposite (Romans 5:3-4). We are promised suffering and struggle, heart break and hardship. But like a tree whose roots are deep underground, able to sustain drought and storm, our long for faith that is resilient, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
4. Authentic Relationships • In healthy relationships, we take down the mask that is so common in our culture. We are authentic in the sense that we are honest about our hurts and our sins, while remaining rooted in scripture to correct us when our thoughts or feelings might lead us astray. We also talk to people, not about people. We cultivate a gracious culture of confession and forgiveness (James 5:16).
5. Unreasonable Hospitality • We long to demonstrate the type of hospitality that the Father shows to us, which is completely unreasonable. We go above and beyond to ensure that people feel welcomed and loved, not just on their first visit but throughout each person’s time with our church family (1 Peter 4:9-11). We welcome the stranger and unbeliever into our homes for gospel conversations (Matthew 25:31-40).
6. Radical Generosity • Everything that we have first belongs to God. He has graciously given us everything (time, talent, treasure). Not as a way to earn his love, but because he has already given it to us, we are generous, understanding that when we have a loose hold on temporal stuff and when we use our gifts to serve others, then we will be truly happy (Proverbs 22:9).
7. Passionate Worship • We are made to worship. We were created to glorify god and enjoy him forever. Therefore, we seek to worship him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Whether through singing, prayer, taking communion, or reading scripture, we long to do all these with hearts overwhelmed by the love of God (Ephesians 5:18-21).
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Leadership & Staff
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What drives the mission.