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understand who you are and its impact on how you follow Jesus.

We encourage members to consider taking three personality assessments.


The culture index

How You Work Best


You have been fearfully and wonderfully made by God to do a specific work. When you step into your God giftedness you bless the world! You do work that is good for you and others. To help our members better understand how they are wired we are providing a FREE Culture Index Survey for you to take (10 minutes).

In the church, we find that certain personalities are naturally geared towards different roles. One indicator on Culture Index is the Social Dot. Members who are highly social are great at roles like our hospitality team, whereas low social scores are people who are more comfortable working behind the scenes.

The beautiful thing is that none of us can be defined by one placement of a dot’s score, but rather the full picture of all aspects of our personality working together.

After you take the Culture Index, your results will be sent to Jared who can analyze them and send you resources to help you understand what your results mean.


Gifts, Passion, Story

Find Your Place


There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. - 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

From the leaders at Gifts, Passion, Story (GPS), Every person who has surrendered to the lordship of Jesus is filled by the very Spirit of God. When he does this, he brings along supernatural gifts and power. God himself has decided the gifts that each receives. We are meant to discover, develop and deploy these gifts. None of these gifts are insignificant or less valuable than another. 

  • Gifts were given to make you helpful, not happy.

  • Gifts foster interdependence, not independence.

  • Gifts are means to love, more than things to love.

In addition to your gifts, the GPS method is to also discover your passions. You get the chance to name what you’re passionate about, which is how those gifts are typically used for the better of the church family.

Finally, there is space to answer questions about your own story, because none of us are developed in a vacuum. The blessings and the brokenness of our lives growing up have helped foster and develop who it is we are becoming.

After you take the assessment, nobody will see the results unless you send them in. We encourage you to email your results to


your Enneagram personality type

Discover Who You Are


Grow in self-awareness as you grow in following Jesus.

The Enneagram is a personality tool helping you understand the way you:

  • Relate to God, Relate to others, and Relate to self

Learn ways you may have been wounded by others, or how you may be unknowingly driven by guilt, fear, or shame.

Lack of self awareness handicaps our capacity for trust and deep relationships.

Take the Enneagram profile ($10). Then download the guide (below) corresponding with your personality type.


Enneagram Personality Guides

The guides help you enjoy Jesus more and discover insights for personal growth.

Type 1 The Good Person

Type 2 The Loving Person

Type 3 The Effective Person

Type 4 The Original Person

Type 5 The Wise Person

Type 6 The Loyal Person

Type 7 The Joyful Person

Type 8 The Powerful Person

Type 9 The Peaceful Person