Devoted to practicing the way of Jesus

You seek to reframe your life around the life and lifestyle of Jesus. You desire to learn to live your life by following him in all you do. You are learning how to reorient your life around being with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing what Jesus did. Listen now>>

Practices: Silence + Solitude, Fasting, Worship

Rooted in the Scriptures

A biblical life is a lens in which we see the world. The Scriptures are alive and moving and impact the way we live, the way we operate, the way we make decisions and the way we lead our lives and ministries. To live a life rooted in the Scriptures means you are held accountable to the word of God in what, how, and why you do what you do. Listen now>>

Practices - Daily Bible Reading, Lectio Divina, Study, Teach Scripture

Empowered by the Holy Spirit

A life empowered by the Holy Spirit is one of empowerment and expectancy. A life filled with risk, discernment, and prayer. You create room for the prophetic, and you sustain life and ministry in the Spirit and expect God to show up. Listen now>>

Practices - Prayer, Praying for others, Listening + Obeying, Prayer Walks

Driven to compassionate mission

A missional life is one of compassion, risk, boldness, and love. A missional life moves us towards the last, least and lost of society with the good news of Jesus. A missional life is passionate about seeing God's Kingdom come and His will being done here as in heaven.

Practices - Serving others, Caring for the poor, Engaging in MC proactive mission, Hospitality - Eating meals with those far from God

Committed to extravagant generosity

A generous life is one where our lives are marked by what we give, not by what we receive, so we give generously in a way that reflects the goodness of God. Generosity flows from an understanding of God’s abundance and is grasped through practice, love, and openness. Jesus says in Matthew 10:8, “Freely you have received; freely give.” In the economy of the kingdom the more we can release, give, share, empower others with life, resources, money, talent, information, relationship or any capital we possess the greater the impact we have in the life to come.

Practices - Gratitude, Sharing Resources, Tithing regularly, Giving to Missions

Dedicated to abundant simplicity

A life of simplicity is modeling Jesus’ life of simplicity. It is learning how to say no to some good things so you can say yes to what is best. We aim to keep our priorities in the right order. We reject an overly busy and cluttered life so we can do more with less.

Practices - Sabbath, Minimalism + Simplicity, Fasting, Media Fast

Sharing life with a loving family

A relational life is one of honor, humility, respect, and love. A relational life comes out of our solid identities being established as sons and daughters of the Father. We choose to be deeply connected to one another and every decision, every action, every ministry and every step along the way. A relational lens means we are a family on mission.

Practices - Communion, Eating meals with others, Confession, Being in a Missional Community